Hill Country and South Texas Properties for Sale

Frio County Ranches - 

Browse the largest selection of available ranches for sale in Frio County as well as surrounding areas. Also, our company tracks properties that are about to come on the market and ones being quietly listed as well. Give us a call to discuss how we can help you, (830) 249-9339.

County Seat: Pearsall
Other Cities: Dilley, Moore and Hilltop
Area: 1,134 sq. miles
Location: 50 miles southwest of San Antonio
Elevations: 400 to 763 feet
Rainfall Average: 26 inches
Temperature Mean: January 38 degrees; July 98 degrees
Rivers and Creeks: Frio and Leona Rivers, San Miguel Creek
Areas of Interest: Pioneer Days, Big Foot Wallace Museum, and the annual Potato Festival, held in June